Next up was a lesson in how to cut a striped fabric when you want all the stripes to go in the same direction. And then a humbling effort to try and get points to match up and there were quite a few in this block. Finally I decided "enough" and went to take the photo. Now after all that effort to fussy cut those corner motifs wouldn't you think I would be careful with them? Nope, got inside and looked at the photos on the screen and I had taken the photo with the block upside down. So back outside I went much to the bewilderment of the dog who could not understand why I didn't want him to follow me.

Twenty five weeks of blocks made for an easy way to lay them out. And then there is the troublesome week 26 hanging out all alone in the bottom row. I have placed the blocks in the weekly order so it is intriguing to see how the darker ones seem to cluster together.
I hope everyone else is satisfied with their progress on this project. For sure making blocks that you are then going to photograph and post on the blog makes you acutely aware of mismatched points and less than accurate sewing. So overall this is a good way to encourage slower and more careful stitching.
I like your choice of the shirting fabric where I was expecting to see the Jinny Beyer you've been using in the background. I have to agree about the photographing and points - a little imperfection in a whole quilt - no problem. One block highlighted in the blog? Hmm, maybe I should fix that.... BTW: You can just rotate your photo in the software you recently downloaded. I also correct the angle that way when my camera or I or the block are a little a-kilter.
I forgot to say, your blocks look great in the array - getting to take up too much space on the design wall to share with other things going on. I just moved mine to go across the top but I'm probably not going to make it through the year this way.
Another beautiful block, Dorry!! the union fabric really jumps out since the other fabrics are subtle in this block.
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