Oh dear, I am four weeks behind on making my Civil War blocks; I was away at the National Quilt Symposium in New Zealand and then took some vacation time with my sisters so that is my excuse.
The patterns for weeks 16 to 19 have all been printed out and I made a start on week 16, White House on Saturday. Alas, I got it mostly pieced and decided I really did not like the fabric choices at all so I set it aside. In the meantime I had also cut the fabric for the week 17 block and happily it turned out
I notice on the flickr site that a few people made this block choosing a different blue fabric for each square. That option appeals to me also.
As for that week 16 block, I'll get to it. But I cannot say it is likely to be a favorite one.
What's the name of the Flickr site? I would like to look.........thanks!!
Go here
and then you can browse all the photos. It is accessed off the Civil War site (see the button on the right of my blog) by clicking on the photo of an old fashioned girl with a camera on the left side if the link I have provided above does not work.
It went right there.........how pretty they all are.........I didn't get to the end yet but will look on occasion at a few at a time. Thanks for sharing.
This Comfort Quilt block, being so simple and classic was almost a "can't lose" proposition. But I'm willing to wager that your White House will be a favorite - at least for some of us looking at your quilt - among the 52 blocks when you get it done. It usually works out that way!!
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