I was away at a quilter's retreat when I was making the block and had begun to cut it out without using the wagon fabric. Fortunately my friend Pinkdeenster, a compatriot on the Westering Women journey, was also at the retreat. She stepped over as I was cutting and suggested I could put it in the lower left corner. After a five minute pause I figured out that not only was she correct but I could use the fabric as the entire background. And I think it worked out well in the end.
The stem? Yes, it made it's own rules as well. I think the pattern called for it to bend to the right but no matter, there's room for all variations fortunately.
Do you like that pop of pink? I was happy with the final result and glad I had taken the time to do some fussy cutting.
For most of the time at retreat I was working on this project. I have planned a setting that requires thirteen setting blocks and the long hours available on such a weekend are perfect for doing that somewhat monotonous task. When I got a little tired of what I was doing I could take a break and go look at what someone else was stitching on, help with a layout issue, commiserate when a mistake was made or, the ultimate, go on a field trip to a quilt shop.
Block four for this project is due in a couple of days. And in ten days or so I am again going away for the weekend on a quilt retreat. Guess what I'll be doing then?