But first, after much delay

Please do come to our reception on Sunday. It's a great chance to shake off the cabin fever and get out and meet the quilters who have made these pieces of fiber art hung for your enjoyment.
In 2014-15 a group of twelve quilters were asked to make quilts for the "There is a Season" challenge. Each participant was given a vintage quilt block and asked to turn that block into a finished piece measuring 24" x 24" representing one of the four seasons. Green had to be used somewhere on the face of the quilt. Many of the quilts resulting from that challenge are now on view in the "Threaded With Green" exhibit and are shown below.

Beginning with Spring - everyone received a sailboat block (original block, uncut, is used in the lower left corner of the lower left quilt).
Upper row, left to right: Carol Campanola "Spring in D.C.", Rebecca Owen, "Mother Nature Follows Her Own Rules", Lynn Purple "Waiting for Spring Break".
Lower row, left to right: Dorry Emmer "Sailing Into Spring", Prudy Traut "Butterfly = New Life", Cheryl Kotecki "Trillium".

More Spring.
Upper row, left to right: Annabel Ebersole "Spring Graces and Grasses", Virginia Hodge "A Non To Wynken & Blynken".
Lower row, left to right: Sarah Entsminger "Sailing Into Spring", Barbara Wise "Heralds of Spring".

Moving into Summer participants were given an unusual Carolina Lily block as seen, uncut, in the center of three of these quilts.
Upper row, left to right: Dorry Emmer "Full Bloom of Summer", Rebecca Owen "Bouquet of Summer", Cindy Grisdela "September Solstice".
Lower row, left to right: Prudy Traut "In My Mother's Garden", Cheryl Kotecki "Watermelon", Sarah Entsminger "Summer Bright".

Summer continues with the six quilts on the left and Fall begins with the two quilts on the right side.
Upper row, left to right: Annabel Ebersole "Summers Bright Blooms", Virginia Hodge "Carolina Lilyfish", Lynn Purple "What Was in Those Seed Packets?" and for Fall, Prudy Traut "Autumn Splendor".
Lower row, left to right: Barbara Wise "Happy Butterfly", Carol Campanola "Happy Flower", Gayle Maisel "Beach - a Time For Shovelling Sand" and for Fall, Gayle Maisel "Time for Leaves".

Now for Fall when participants were given an Ohio Star block with a vivid solid orange background. There was much angst about that orange and several artists disguised that orange as best they could.
Upper row, left to right: Rebecca Owen "Signs of Autumn", Annabel Ebersole "Autumn's Grace Notes", Cheryl Kotecki "Maple" and Cindy Grisdela "Autumn Neighborhood".
Lower row, left to right: Seasons Challenge description, Virginia Hodge "Indian Blanket", Carol Campanola "Fall in D.C." and Lynn Purple "Leaf Fall".

And at last, we finish with winter, the season of snow which is when all of this beauty is on exhibit for you to see! Participants were given a dark blue and cream Monkey Wrench block - see it uncut and on point in Cheryl's quilt and uncut,straight on in Rebecca's and Annabel's quilts.
Upper row, left to right: Rebecca Owen "A Long Winter's Sampler", Virginia Hodge "Winter Wonder", Cheryl Kotecki "Moonlit Midnight", Prudy Traut "Snow Swirls", and Lynn Purple "Snow Fell".
Lower row, left to right: Gayle Maisel "Time for Snow", Annabel Ebersole "Winter's Sparkles", Sarah Entsminger "Dark Night", Barbara Wise "B'rrr" and Cindy Grisdela "Migration".
"For everything there is a season, turn, turn turn..."
As always you can click on the photographs to see them in a larger size.