Sharing fabric cuttings with my worldwide friends

Monday, June 25, 2012

stack of blocks

I seem to flit from project to project as the list of WIPs grows (works in progress). Weeks ago I had thought I needed to concentrate on finishing the civil war top. So that is what I'm going to talk about here.

The design I had settled on for setting the top required 60 setting blocks. Phew, what was I thinking? But over the weekend I got the last of them done (not quite, as they still need trimming up but the sewing is done) and thought that showed good progress.

So here we have the piles to date. The 53 weekly blocks on the right and the 60 setting blocks on the left. There will still be more setting blocks needed for the outer border but I hesitate to count how many I need in case all progress stops!

Propped behind the blocks is an envelope that has four fabric blocks with pictures of Civil War Generals on them. The plan is to stitch them into four blocks that will go on the outer corners.

I began to lay everything out on the floor and pretty soon made the discovery that I am going to have to move furniture around because I need a really big clear floorspace to lay this out. It is 11 blocks in each direction and the blocks are 8" finished.

Now you might notice there are four empty spaces in the center area. That is where I need four more filler blocks. I have this fabric that has various CW pictures on it. There are a couple showing young soldiers and I thought I might use them as centers in a block; I found a block called army star so that would work.

The dilemma is that since the fabric is printed in sepia and it is not very detailed I can't figure out which soldier belonged to which army. Would you be able to help me with that? If I can I would make a blue block and a grey block but I don't want to have the wrong soldier in the grey block and visa versa.

Here's soldier X above and soldier Y below. Who's who do you think?

Of course I'll still need two more blocks but there are more pictures to cut from the fabric yet so I'll work something out.

I'll look forward to your help with my question. In the meantime I'm still trying to work out some of the glitches with my blog layout here since blogger updated itself. Sometimes there are gaps where I don't really intend them to be. Oh well.